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TMJ Dysfunction

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Integrated Dentistry Center reference in the treatment ofTemporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)

Who is Simone Carrara?

Dental Surgeon graduated from the University of Brasilia, Specialist in Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD).

She founded the SBDOF (Brazilian Society of TMD and Orofacial Pain) and since 1989 works and coordinates the activities of the Centro de Odontologia Integrada Simone Carrara. Her mission is to mitigate the suffering of human beings and, therefore, chose the area of pain.

Information is the most effective tool for the patient.

Dr. Simone Carrara

TMJ Dysfunction Specialist | CRO: 2725 DF

Complete and Qualified Service

Why we are the best option for dental or TMJ/TMD treatment.
Highly Qualified Team
Effective Treatments
Better Results
Advanced technology
How do I know if I have TMJ Dysfunction?
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Prepared For Modern Treatments

We serve several areas of oral health.
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Customer Testimonials

Maria dos Reis

IT Technician

Tired of working suffering from migraines, Maria dos Reis underwent TMD treatment and talks about the changes in her daily life.

José C. Parisi

Civil Engineer

The symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction (TMD) manifested themselves intensely in José Parisi after a fall. With treatment, pain, tinnitus and difficulty chewing were resolved.

Kellen Cristina Soares

After consulting several doctors, Kellen Cristina discovered the causes of her pain near her ears: bruxism and TMJ Dysfunction (TMD).

Contact Us

Questions about TMD, cosmetic dentistry or other treatments at the clinic?

Via L2 Sul - SGAS 610 - Block 1 - Centro Médico Lúcio Costa, Room 11 - Asa Sul, Brasília

+55 (61) 99646-6160
+55 (61) 3245-1016

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