Other Specialties

Our team has specialists in different areas of dentistry.

The primary objective of dentistry is the health of the masticatory system. Patients, however, demand more visually pleasing alternatives than conventional treatments. Our dentists, aware of this new perspective, apply current techniques and procedures to obtain perfect aesthetic and functional results in their work.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Restorations, tooth whitening, aesthetic veneers, porcelain crowns and implants are the most used resources of this specialty.

Oral Rehabilitation

Restorations, tooth whitening, aesthetic veneers, porcelain crowns and implants are the most used resources of this specialty.

Pediatric Dentistry

Responsible for the main guidelines for pregnant women, education in oral health, prevention and dental treatment for babies and children.


Dental specialty that encompasses the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the tissues that support and protect the teeth.


Specialty of dentistry dedicated to restoring the function of mastication and aesthetics lost due to the absence of one or more teeth.


Orthodontic devices and preventive, interceptive, corrective and ortho-surgical procedures are carried out according to each patient's needs and age.

Snoring and Apnea

Sleep disorders can be treated today by Dentistry techniques developed by specialists in this area.


It studies, diagnoses, prevents and treats human movement disorders resulting from changes in organs and systems.

Contact Us

Questions about TMD, cosmetic dentistry or other treatments at the clinic?

Via L2 Sul - SGAS 610 - Block 1 - Centro Médico Lúcio Costa, Room 11 - Asa Sul, Brasília

+55 (61) 99646-6160
+55 (61) 3245-1016

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